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How do I order, and is my order secure?

You order by:
Filling in the quantity box for the product you wantClick the View cart or Checkout button.

This will take you to the shopping cart page. The shopping basket lists, automatically totals your order and adds postage and packing if appropriate. Check that the right postage is showing.

If required, you can edit your order, and either continue shopping, or if you have completed your purchases, you can make a secure payment via secure server.  Shopify has one of the world's largest internet payment processing systems. Client credit card details are not transmitted outside of Shopify which processes millions of payments every day, for every type of business, securely and quickly.

The MusicForAccordion.com shopping cart links to the high security eCommerce site run by Shopify, one of the world's largest internet payment processing systems. In the shopping cart, you move to a high security server where you fill in the your credit card information. Client credit card details are not transmitted outside Shopify which processes millions of payments every day, for every type of business, securely, safely and quickly.Additionally, the Shopify site asks you for certain information to make credit card fraud very difficult, further protecting you. With Shopify you have much higher security than if were purchasing at a shop or restaurant or gas station where anyone might copy your credit card details.

Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform known for its robust security features. It ensures secure transactions with PCI compliance, SSL certification, and two-factor authentication providing an important multi-currency eCommerce business service for both very large international businesses and smaller specialised businesses. Client credit card details are not transmitted outside of Shopify which processes millions of payments every day, for every type of business, securely, safely and quickly.

How do I download/view music samples?

Sheet Music is listed on MusicForAccordion.com in PDF format.
To view or print the music download in PDF format you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free software on many computers.
It's free, and you can get it now!

What are the various music styles?

In the search box for each type of product, if you click the drop down box "Styles" you can see the list of different styles that you can search by.

How does the Grading system work, and can I see some examples?

The Grades used on MusicForAccordion are Grade 1 to Grade 9, with grade 9 being Advanced. To see samples of any grade, you can click the "Additional information" link alongside nearly every product to see a page of further information that usually includes a Acrobat pdf sample or a sound file sample.

What is your Refunds Policy, and purchase terms and conditions?

The MusicForAccordion.com Refunds Policy can be viewed here.

You can view with your computer the sample page of each piece of music or listen to the sound samples for recordings to help you decide your purchase/s.

We want you to be a happy client, so please only purchase what you require.

Purchase Terms and Conditions

MusicForAccordion.com may decide not to accept any order or withdraw from making any order in the event of product problems or errors both human or technical.

It is illegal to further copy your purchase beyond the single copy you have purchased. You have no permission to copy the music by photocopy or scan or store on a computer or distribute the music in any way for commercial or any other purpose. You have no permission to change or tamper with the music supplied.

MusicForAccordion.com reserves the right to change the price without notice.

Purchases are under the exclusive jurisdiction of New Zealand law and the courts of New Zealand. These Terms and Conditions do not effect any statutory rights conferred by New Zealand.

Do you have a disclaimer and general copyright policy?

MusicForAccordion.com is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, whether expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Advertisements, references, and links to businesses, their services and products, are also provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

In no event shall MusicForAccordion.com be liable for any incidental or indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or damages whatsoever resulting from loss to use, data or profits, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out of or in connection with liability, arising out of or in connection with the use of performance of the information provided within this site.

Descriptions of, references to, or links to products, services or publications within MusicForAccordion.com does not imply endorsement of that product, service or publication. MusicForAccordion.com makes no warranty of any kind with respect to the subject matter, words and information included herein, the products listed herein, the companies listed herein, of the completeness or accuracy of this data. MusicForAccordion.com specifically disclaims all warranties, express, implied or otherwise, including without limitation, all warranties of merchantability and fitness.

MusicForAccordion.com reserves the right to omit any information provided for any reason. Jurisdiction shall be under New Zealand law.

International Copyright

MusicForAccordion.com and all logos, pictures and diagrams contained within the MusicForAccordion web site are protected by the International Copyright Treaty. They shall not be reproduced other than for research in part or whole without the express written permission of the Director of MusicForAccordion.com.